Monday, February 25, 2013

An Offering...

an offering, O LORD, to You i bring
but what can i offer the King of kings?
i long to bring an obedient heart...
i struggle and strive but seem lost at the start.

like Jeremiah, i "remember the gall"
yet i hear You proclaim You've "forgiven it all!"
so i take my stand on Your Word that i hear.
keep speaking it, LORD, so i don't walk in fear.

i offer You thanks for rescuing me...
i don't "feel" it yet but You'll set my heart free!
You brought me out to a spacious place,
Your mercies are new, O God of all grace!

the cross was sufficient for a wretch like me!
My ransom was paid! LORD, i trust and believe!
may my heart now proclaim You, my lips sing Your praise,
to You be the glory as Your anthem i raise...

to the Great King Eternal - no beginning or end,
to my Master, my Savior, Redeemer, my Friend,
the God of all comfort, Adonai You shall be...
i thank You, O God, my heart is now free!

by Your grace and in Your power...

Monday, February 11, 2013

Habakkuk 3:19

Perhaps you needed to know this today...