come away before the day.
Let Us watch the sky unfold
and talk of wonders to behold.
Let Us hear creation sing
and ready for what this day brings...
LORD, You have wooed me to here.
Creation's song rings in my ear.
You've brought me to that big, old rock.
It's peaceful here and We can talk.
The moon hangs full. Two stars still shine.
Your Presence's here. Our hearts entwine.
Speak my LORD. i'm listening now.
My soul is still. My head is bowed...
Come, My child. Hear mercy cry.
Do not listen to this world's lie.
I sing for you of My great love.
I WILL give you eyes of a dove.
You do not have to earn Me here.
You CAN just rest - there's naught to fear.
Just as I've hung that star that shines
and lower the moon at the proper time,
I can handle all your cares.
Listen now and I will share...
You hear the lie "you can't be free!"
but that is not the Truth with Me.
Reject it now in Jesus' Name.
No child of Mine need walk in shame!
Turn your head and lift it high.
The new day dawns. I've heard your cry.
Salvation belongs to Me alone.
I bless you now out on those stones
To walk in Truth that man might see
freedom comes from Me indeed!
Trust Me now. I am your Shield,
and just as I've led you in that field
I lead you now through this new day.
Listen to Me. I know The Way...
LORD, You are so good to me!
You show me what i fail to see.
You bless me with the sun's first rays.
You're familiar with all my ways.
You know when i have hung my head.
You fill my heart with Truth instead.
You are my Strength for each new day.
i trust You now to show The Way.
Let freedom ring! Please help me now
to bow the knee to Your Awesome power.